
5th Week of Wuhan, 23rd - 28th September 2008

Tuesday - 23/Sep/08

Had BPE Test today, after IS lesson, everyone was sneaking last min references to their Text. This is to be the final test of these 6 weeks. Situation was really tense in class as everyone was writing with vigour.
Finally test ended, some of us went to the soup shop to have brunch, after which was nap time, followed by exercise! After playing a bit of badminton and captain’s ball, we went to have dinner at the muslim noodle shop.
Night was still early, so Julian, Teck Yi, Karen and I decided to go to 建社七路's pasar malam, to get some stuff. What a buy! However we didn’t bring our cameras, so there went any photos.

Wednesday – 24/Sep/08

Its freezing out today! A sign of winter is coming, although it is only Autumn. 18 degree centigrade of cold the whole day. I stayed indoors, and went to play a little bit of badminton in the evening. Time is flying really quickly. Did my IS presentation, and went to sleep early.

Thursday – 25/Sep/08

Today is the last day of IS lesson, we all took group photos of which I do not have a camera. Sigh. After which, Weiling, Yining, Clarissa, Karen and I went to shop for presentation clothes! I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a for the first time in my life…a turtleneck top! I will show photos of myself wearing it soon. Its snow white and at a reasonable price, I just love it! Didn’t do much after shopping except go back to hostel, hang out with the ECE guys and had Mr Phua’s duck porridge today! I just love homecooked food with a taste of Singapore. Bliss.

12 midnight.
Time to celebrate! Its Amos' 18th Birthday today, they guys bought a cake, and we took lots of photos. Had cake fight, and they ended up cleaning the room till 3 am in the morning! lols. Took lots of photos and got ckae in my face and hair. Had to wash it twice this night. haha!
I slept at 4am on this night, as I had to edit everyone’s work. I love presentations, as it gives me satisfaction to present as a group in front of the class.

Friday – 26/Sep/08

Day of IS presentation. The entire session lasted 5 hours including an hour’s break for lunch. Everyone had fun, cheered for some, and learnt much more about Wuhan, Hubei, China’s politics, history and etiquette.
After presentation, some went to Walmart, but I stayed in to rest because of the late night yesterday. Went out as a class to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant, courtesy from Mr Phua, we enjoyed a sumptuous feast of 10 courses, and ate our fill. It was really cold out, then we went to the shopping centre near Macdonald’s for some late shopping. There was a 7th anniversary sale, and the entire complex was packed with people pushing and squeezing. Karen and I made our way back earlier than the rest.
When I reached hostel, the ECE pals were back, Qizhi was drunk, and Weijian was knocked out. All of them went for class dinner as well. Must have been fun too! Slept at around 1 plus. Good night!

Saturday – 27/Sep/08

Today is the last day of tour, we went to Wuhan Botanical Gardens and East Lake to picnic and look at the scenery and sights. I loved the Botanical Garden, saw a Kiwi Fruit Garden bought a toy hammer, and played a lot! Haha!
At East Lake, we found a suitable spot to picnic, and played a lot of games, just the 9 of us. After which, we rushed back to the the meeting point to depart for campus!
Although I posted a short message, but I have pictures to make up for it!

Sunday – 28/Sep/08

On this day, I woke up late, so I didn’t go to Walking Street with the majority of the class. Had a late lunch with Weijian in his bunk, after which I decided to go with them to walking street. However, I changed my mind at the last mind because Elaine and the others were going to IT Mall, I had to fix my camera and purchase a hard disk. Regretted going because I had to put up with this other girl and her small actions. Took a cab back and reached campus’ back alley at 10pm. Saw Beng Chong and the brothers and my entire demeanour brightened up!
Went for a stroll around campus with Hanlin, Weijian, Teng Kiat, Beng Chong and myself. The weather was cold and lovely, it’s the closest I’ve ever experienced to winter. Which is quite cool, can’t wait to experience winter tropic in the future.


the past week..

Three Gorges Weekend
On the day we left, we headed to the Three Gorges Dam Project to visit. The place was really scenic and grand, with the mountains looming over us; the cliffs were steep and beautiful. I felt that it was really serene and peaceful up there were it not for the dam project.

The entire bus trip took 5 hours to reach, anyways, when we all went on board the cruise after dinner, everyone was geering up for the excitement to have fun over the night.

The cruise was huge and cosy. The rooms were clean and everything was great! I went to the KTV to sing songs and have a few drinks. When the ship set sail, I went on deck and took in the cold winds. It was already dark, but we could see the silhouette of mountains.

The next morning woke up for breakfast, after which we took a smaller ship to go sightseeing. A boating trip was included which was rowed by 4 men, and there was a part where we had to be pulled. I think that these countryside men are really working hard for their money because there was around 15 of us on the boat not including them. I feel that life is indeed quite hard.
Oh wells. When we went back to our cruise for lunch, we managed to get some rest and there was more sightseeing of the mountains on board ship. There was a rock that resembled a toad, one that looked like a rhinoceros. Cute huh? However my camera is damaged. Sigh.

After dinner, we had to get off to hike up this temple, there was a bus ride included as well. Up there, we saw old figures of history such as Liu Bei, and many ancient texts and scriptures. There was life size statues and pictures for us to admire. The steep climb up was tiring though, four hundred over steps to climb.
When we back to the ship, it was time for recreation. It was our last night on cruise so we all tried to stay awake. There were lots of good movies on TV, and everyone else went on deck to chit chat and to enjoy the cold night air.
After reaching hostel the next day, we all unpacked our things and went to have a late lunch at 3pm. After which, some of us rested, others went to play badminton. Evening time came, and Mr Wong bought mooncakes for us to enjoy and to celebrate the Mooncake Festival. We all took lots of photos, and some of us had a few drinks. The night was really fun to have so many friends beside me.


Today is a public holiday in China, we have no lessons, but no one slept in, because 13 of us went to the Zoo!! Wuhan zoo is really far away in Hanyang district. We took a bus there and back. At the zoo, we saw lots of animals, such as emu, ostrich, giraffe, horses, monkeys, and PANDAS! There were two of them, really cute, actually they were the reason why we went to the zoo in the first place.
Wuhan Zoo cant be compared with Singapore’s because they cage up all of their animals. The monkeys and dogs have very little space to move and exercise. The Chinese were behaving as if they went to see an animal freak show. I felt bad for those poor animals, there were no zookeepers in sight, and everything was dirty. Except for the panda enclosure. I think its cause they are National treasures. Oh wells.
After the zoo we went to Macdonalds, everyone was tired and hot due to the weather. We reached home and changed into our PE attire and went out to play badminton again. Mr Phua cooked porridge for us today, after which I went to play pool with the ECE pals.


This morning’s IS lesson went alright, the teacher is giving her usual lecture. After which, we went back to the dorm, had lunch, stayed in bunk, went out to play pool. And Had dinner.


After lesson today, we had to take a coach to Wuhan University’s New Campus to have social interactive Activities. The new campus is really huge, twice the size of the one I’m in, and its fully equipped with new basketball courts and stuff. Its really beautiful. We were all wondering why we couldn’t go there, but then, its really remote, so lucky we didn’t.

Its Chinxiang’s birthday today, so the morning was filled with laughter and shouts from everyone and him. Haha. The guys managed to pin him down and shave his leg. Some parts of it. After class, we had lunch and slacked the day away. Had celebrations for chinxiang at 11pm, after which I went over to Teng kiat’s room and we played games and chit chatted. 9 of us, so fun!


Today we had no lessons, cause yesterday was the last, for the first time, I managed to sleep till 12pm. Decided to go check out Walmart and Shopping Mall, with Nicholas and friends. The walmart is really huge! Haha. We went around, bought stuff.. bought lots of tidbits, and we had dinner and drinks at this hotpot place. Really cool. After reaching hostel at 10.30pm, I went to hang out with Hanlin and gang, and we watched movies, talked rubbish, and tried to stay up till dawn. Haha. Life is so fun when you are in a hostel!

Wudang Shan Weekend

The weekend was spent with fun and laughter, the journey up to the mountain was tiring and long. on the first day, we visited, the mountain, and explored the temples and such, the 2nd day we went to the peak via cable care. The ride up at cooling and the scenery was engaging, everyone prayed, and some asked for their fortune to be told. I prayed for blessings, and simply loved the view. Everything was breathtaking, even the clouds swirling around the peak.

the trip overall was beautiful and serene, but the tour guides and bus driver were unpleasant and unprofessional. The first day, the tour guide rushed us, saying we were always late and everything, delaying their time, we haven't even complain about them not booking the hotel in advance, causing 20 of us to be separated form the 4 divisions of SOE. We even saw them quarreling amongst themselves, and the Driver sarcastically made remarks about singaporeans having a time difference in China. It wasnt our fault we got delayed byt the cable car, there was a 2 hour long queue, then when we went up the peak, we needed to hike a bit further up the steep stairs. The cable car ride down also need to queue, and we had to change two buses that took a total of 1 hour plus before reaching the Mountain's main lobby to our coach. Sigh. Are all china people like that? unethical, unprofessional, and rude.

While queueing for the cable car, there was a "no smoking" sign, but the chinese just continued smoking away. After they got impatient with queuing, they shouted at the staff for being so slow.

Suddenly, I think Singapore's Kiasu-ism is so minor compared to theirs. What with the milk problem now. China is really losing it.


Past 4 days.. (15-18 Sep 2008)

The past few days have been quite hectic and frustrating for me. Had to resolve some family matters from back home, as well as study for a test that was on Tuesday.
Anyways, life has been alright for me these past few days, some high, some low. On Monday we had lesson, after that was lunch and a day of studying had home and sleeping.

Tuesday had the ultimate test, after that we all went to have a lunch of fast food and rest. Got ready to go to the night market with Li Xuan, its like a pasar malam, didn’t have much time to look around because we had to rush back home after dinner. Anyways, we’ll going back again sometime.

After midnight was Steffi’s 19th birthday, celebrated by singing a birthday song and lots of laughter around. Wednesday morning was usual, got up to go for class, after which I went to takeaway my own lunch from the backstreet. Not feeling very well because of what’s happening back in Singapore. Decided to go out on my own to clear my mind. Headed for computer town, my first time! Haha. Took a 1 and a ½ hour bus trip there and back. The place is not bad, bigger than sim lim square but in a messier way. The stalls are all over the place, it seems as if the IT gadgets are looking directly at you. Roamed all the floors and saw people of all kinds. Young and old. Repaired my handphone, bought a laptop cable and two sets of earpieces. Really pleased with me retail therapy.

On the Bus trip there, the driver was really nice, he informed me of how long the trip will take from Uni to ComTown; and even told me when to stop, which was to take back and where from. Isn’t he sweet? You don’t get this much elsewhere in Wuhan. The people at some of the restaurants and shops are really unpleasant, They don’t have the patience to serve you, unlike in Singapore, we are promoting the campaign “Service with a smile”. Anyways, they are also rude and not sure of the products that they are selling. Sigh. However, not all of them are like that. Maybe a minority 1% is nice? I’m being too stereotypical, but its really frustrating to be served like that, ESPECIALLY when there is NO communication breakdown of languages.
I feel that their campaign of a country with better etiquette is sort of failing, but I can’t say the same for Beijing, because the comments throughout the Olympics were nothing but good.

After reaching uni, I went to the supermarket and shopping centre near our school, bought Steffi’s gift and some groceries. Turns out the reason they charge us for plastic bag was because China’s been having another green campaign, to recycle and save the earth, since June 2008. That’s really nice, especially when pollution in the country is quite bad based on news reports.
After I reach my dorm, I went out to buy dinner and joined the others in celebrating Steffi’s Birthday, sang songs, ate cake, laughed and joked. Had a really good time. This eased some of the mental stress of me.

Its Thursday morning already, and after lessons, we went out to the street behind Macdonal’s to have lunch, and some of us went to do our hair after that. I had mine treated and highlighted. Hope my family is reading this… Opps!
Alright, the trip to the hairdresser’s was almost 5 hours. I was really pissed because the service was inconsistent, the staff weren’t organised and there weren’t enough seats. In the end, I was having my hair highlighted in the centre of the dyeing corner. I felt quite out of place and an odd sight to bear, but the Chinese thinks that its normal. Hmmm.

Luckily, I had Karen for company, if not I think I would have told someone off sooner or later. Went back to Hostel, and went out for fast food. Just spent another 3 hours packing my bag for the weekend’s Three Gorges trip. Got to get up early tomorrow to set off. Alright. Good night!



Day 13-14 -- 6th-7th/Sep/08

Over the weekend, we went to 绿林 to go water rafting and hiking. It’s a 2 day 1 night stay at 绿林山庄, where food and accommodation is provided for. Its your typical 3 star hotel room, except its accompanied by bugs.

The trip up the mountain was about 4 hours, everyone fell asleep on the ride there because the night before we were up late as we were excited about the trip.
Upon reaching, everyone was so happy because there was hot lunch awaiting us; after which we slathered on our sunblock and prepared to go on the 6.7km raft trip!

We couldn’t take photos of the rafting part because it’s a guarantee that we’ll be wet, no one wanted to risk losing their cameras. The whole ride was fantastic! 2 to a raft! We all paddled, splashed water at each other, the water was icy cold, like drinking water with ice cubes in it! Haha! Also, we had time to relax and laze around, dipped our feet into the water and cooled ourselves down.

Upon reaching everyone bathed and went to 美人谷 for a walk. It was beautiful scenery with water and cliffs, waterfalls and rocks. We don’t have that in Singapore huh?
After the hour and a half trek, we went back to the bus, tired and lethargic, anticipating dinner, much of the same food.

Finally we checked in! Everyone loved the room! It was two twin sized beds with TELEVISION! My goodness! Haven’t watched tv for SO long! Some of them rented mah-jong tables, the rest went to buy fireworks to set up. You should have been there. It was such a sight! I had some drinks with Joseph and slept early.

Next morning got to get up early to have breakfast. Mantou, plain porridge, noodles and some peanuts. Set up for the trekking. We saw sights, mountains, and trees, insects and spiders. Leeches, and rocks. And lots of old history. Show you some photos soon ok?

After that it was lunch at the same place, we ate ravenously because we were all hungry, then after which was the ride back to hostel. Wuhan University was 4 and a half hours away, with traffic jam included of course.
Alright, that’s about it for the weekend, now I’ve got to get ready for my upcoming test on Tuesday!



Day 12 - 5/Sep/08

drinking cola at the video gallery.

I miss them! Always saw this advert when I was in primary school!

Always Coca-Cola!

Steffi and I at Pizza hut.

On the ferry!

This morning we got up bright and early to go visit the coca cola factory. Took lotsa photos! They are all here and there with friends and such. Anyways, The factory was really interesting, it displayed memorabilia of the different promotions from years ago, such as the Polar bear Coca Cola advertisements.

Also, They showed us a video on how and when did Coca Cola made its first step into singapore. Which was in 1927. We even got to drink bottled Cola!! Free! Haha. The process of making the drinks and the area where they stocked the final product, was massive and huge. However photos were not allowed there. Oh wells.

After Coca Cola Factory, ECE and MDE went to Walking street for lunch and shopping. Gotten some good bargains for some t-shirts, and got mummy a watch! its handmade on the spot! so interesting ryte? Anyways, we had pizza hut for lunch, took a ferry across the river and transfered a cab back to Uni. So tired. Went to takeaway dinner from the back street. Tmr we are going on an excursion, water rafting and hiking. Pray that the weather will hold for us and not dampen our spirits.

Good nights!

Day 11 - 4/sep/08

Taken from our classroom!

At the other Entrance of Yellow Crane Tower.

Went for class today, had luch outside at a fast food restaurant because some of us are quite tired of canteen food. Anyways, had to make a trip down to yellow crane tower after luch to change my souvenir for a different one because I bought wrongly.

Really tired, came home and had take away dinner and slept early.
Today didn't do much because most of the time was spent in hostel.



Day 10 - 3/sep/08

clockwise - Adeline, Teckyi, Myself.

This morning our wake up call came around knocking again.. :) Appreciate Mr Puah for being so conscientious.
Had BPE lesson today, Quiz and ttutorial on BPM, our case study, etc.
Had lunch at canteen 2, 2nd floor again. Went back to hostel to rest. 17 of the others went with Mr Phua to computer town, I didnt go, along with teckyi and adeline. Had to stay in cause I came down with slight fever.

Oh wells, took a nap, and woke up to study with Teck Yi and Adeline, not much but at least there was the effort to study. After which, we braved the rain (heavy pour from 4pm till now. its already 11.30pm.) to go get dinner from the food street behind hostel. Checked out this cute little "kfc" like place and had fast food. chicken burger anyone? lols.

After dinner, waited for them to come back, and need to blog, settle emails and study!



Day 9 - 2/Sep/08

Today is a very routine day, had lessons from 8.15am, IS module, till 2.30 pm Mr Puah's class. Everyone was tired out. Anyways, everyone took a nap, some went out to buy shoes. I couldnt sleep.

Played like 10 mins of badminton at 5.30pm. Then waited for Benji and Andy to cook dinner for us. Vegetarian food. So nice!
I think im down with a fever, sigh.

Every single day wake up at 6.30am or 7am, its killing us. DOnt even have a free morning off, even on a sunday. oh wells, what to do, schedule so pack.

Im really tired now.

Day 8 - Happy Teacher's Day!

This morning had lesson at 9am, after class we realised that it was Teacher's Day!! Happy Teacher's Day everyone! anyways, we have decided to meet Mr Puah for dinner on this night. :)
Lesson was very shagged today, had a quiz, complicated. haha.
Anyways, we had lunch at the new canteen today, 2nd floor of canteen 2. This uni has about 4 canteens. :).
We have given each place names of our own, such at the minimart next door to our hostel, we named it "mama shop", even the ECE students also use the same same. Haha.

Lunch was a quick and quiet affair, because the lunch crowd was over, after that, we had to clear our own plates and utensils, just like the way we did in secondary school.
Went our for a walk near the uni's backgate today. up and down the streets we go. :)
went back to play badminton, 2 rackets for 45rmb. played for 1 and a half hours. Then got ready to meet Mr Puah for Dinner.

Went to a chinese restaurant that had better service than the last one we went to. 20 of us this time, including Mr Wong, we bought a cake and presents for Mr Puah and Mr Wong, and sneakily paid the bill to celebrate teacher's day. so happy, we even sang a "Happy Teacher's Day Song, to the tune of Happy birthday." Mr Puah was touched because it was his first teacher's day celebration. I feel honoured that we were the first to celebrate for him.

Went back to hostel, had meeting with project group mates and fell asleep.



Day 7 - 31st August 2008

This morning we went on tour again, to Hankou District’s Riverbank Park, a few of our classmates went to church though.

The park has three sections, designed and built along the riverside, it stretches for as long as 7km. So, the time that we spent there was just walking, taking photos with interesting statues, ate ice cream, and talking.
The park is the same design along the stretch that we walked upon, and its Water amusement park was closed, leaving only gardens and trees. The fountain was not activated too.

I think its quite sad, because Singapore does not have the same for such a spacious and airy park without mosquitoes and mud and sand just for walking. If not I think it’ll be really popular for families and friends to just get away from city life and enjoy some quiet time together.

After the park, we walked about 20 mins to Bu Xing Street (walking street) it is the equivalent of Singapore’s Orchard Road, but it cannot be compared with because the most expensive shops were the sports shops such as Nike, Adidas, Converse for example. Everyone shopped and shopped and shopped like typical Singaporeans, we stood out from the crowd because of the way we spoke and dressed. Oh wells. What to do?

Had lunch at a Korean restaurant, its VERY different from Seoul Garden and many times better! There were meats and clams and vegetables and soju! Korean wine, like Japanese sake. But the alcoholic content is 20.1%. We all tasted it and and had different opinions about it.
After the shopping and lunch, we slowly made our way back to the meeting point, and went back to dorm.

The others went out to play volleyball, which we bought and shared amongst us, I stayed in dorm all the way, and had Cup noodles again.


Our Korean Lunch

cheers to good health!

The restaurant hostess and I

Please dont interrupt our chess game.. hahah!

An olden day, european building

Isnt she serious with her work?

Golden Disco Ball!

Having fun!

The more we get together, together, together...

Under a coconut tree or Trees!

Yangtze River's Second Bridge

The bridge and the river int he background

the main gate of the riverbank park

A shipping port

A man singing opera with the musicians accompanying

Day 6 - 30th August 2008

Got to report at Main gate at 8.15am today. The tour guide, Xiao Ling gave us hats for easy identification.

Our first stop was the Hubei Provincial Museum, one of the top ten museums in China, Hubei has a lot of history and culture. Along with the archaeological findings that occurred in Hubei, Its no wonder that it is ranked Top Ten.

The museum has a lot of artefacts, treasures, and ancient scriptures. I enjoyed myself walking around and looking around because it was all so interesting. We couldn’t take many proper photos due to the museum not allowing flash from cameras. Over time, the light will erode and disintegrate the artefacts.

Next, we had our Lunch at Mei Shi Street (Mei Shi = Delicious Foods). The concept is like Lau Par Sat, but the size is very much smaller. There were not enough seats to go around. Had lunch with Benjamin and Karen, ordered Beggar’s chicken, char siew chee cheong fun, and 2 portions of xiao long pau, it was accompanied by honeydew sago drink, soya bean and black tea pearl drink. What a scrumptious lunch!

Had to walk a good 15 mins to Yellow Crane Tower after lunch, it was raining but we marched all the same. When we arrived, there were so many things to see and it was impossible to finish all of it. Haha, we managed a 90% tour though.

There are Miracle Rocks, rocks with special imprints that are not manmade. Pavilions, A large bell, and wall mounted pictures of ancient folk.
Yellow Crane Tower was so named because in the past, there was a man who owned an eatery at the top of the original tower, (Each dynasty had their own Tower, because it always somehow burns down) he was a very good man with a kind soul.
One day an old man came begging for food, and the owner always welcomed him, and never charged him a single cent. This happened for a whole year before the old man finally approached him and thanked him for his gracious hospitality and gave him a yellow crane.
This crane was a magical creature because it was a picture drawn on the wall, when the owner claps his hands twice, it will jump out and sing and dance. The crane’s magical powers spread far and wide, and the owner made a lot of money from many customers.
After ten years, the old man felt that the owner has made enough money and came to ask back for the crane. It turns out, that the old man was Lu Dong Bin, one of the eight immortals.

Cool isn’t it? Chinese myths and legends. Anyways, we took a lot of photos this day, and by the time we got down from the tower, many students were already purchasing souvenirs for friends and families.

Went back to dorm and had maggi noodles for dinner again. Too tired to go out.


Ancient Folk and poets that ever visited the Tower

The crane with snake curled at its feet standing on a tortoise was given to Hongkong in 1997.

The bell

At the food street

Karen and a chrysanthemum rock

On the way up to the tower

The bell, the red roof was what was left of the Qing Dynasty's Yellow Crane Tower, it was all burnt down in 1884

A picture of Lu Dong Bin flying away on his crane after reclaiming it

Golden Hair Pins from the museum

Lacquered Mandarin Ducks from the qin and han dynasty section

This is a gold water goblet
The prehistoric man section of the museum which featured Homo Sapiens (cannibals)

Karen and I with a view of the museum
The scroll section

Jade Dragon Earrings
A gold belt crusted with precious gemstones (fit for a royal)

The tomb of the Marquis, this was found in Hubei, proof of Hubei's history dating back 3000 years

The coffin of Marquis Yi, it was buried with 23 other coffins, and many sacrificial items and servants. (including 15 females)

Karen and I with our Tour Hats!

Xiaoyu, our tour guide

2 cranes standing on two tiger's backs. the original is drawn as well.

A crane with antler's, ancient chinese had really good imagination!

Famous men from Hubei