
Day 13-14 -- 6th-7th/Sep/08

Over the weekend, we went to 绿林 to go water rafting and hiking. It’s a 2 day 1 night stay at 绿林山庄, where food and accommodation is provided for. Its your typical 3 star hotel room, except its accompanied by bugs.

The trip up the mountain was about 4 hours, everyone fell asleep on the ride there because the night before we were up late as we were excited about the trip.
Upon reaching, everyone was so happy because there was hot lunch awaiting us; after which we slathered on our sunblock and prepared to go on the 6.7km raft trip!

We couldn’t take photos of the rafting part because it’s a guarantee that we’ll be wet, no one wanted to risk losing their cameras. The whole ride was fantastic! 2 to a raft! We all paddled, splashed water at each other, the water was icy cold, like drinking water with ice cubes in it! Haha! Also, we had time to relax and laze around, dipped our feet into the water and cooled ourselves down.

Upon reaching everyone bathed and went to 美人谷 for a walk. It was beautiful scenery with water and cliffs, waterfalls and rocks. We don’t have that in Singapore huh?
After the hour and a half trek, we went back to the bus, tired and lethargic, anticipating dinner, much of the same food.

Finally we checked in! Everyone loved the room! It was two twin sized beds with TELEVISION! My goodness! Haven’t watched tv for SO long! Some of them rented mah-jong tables, the rest went to buy fireworks to set up. You should have been there. It was such a sight! I had some drinks with Joseph and slept early.

Next morning got to get up early to have breakfast. Mantou, plain porridge, noodles and some peanuts. Set up for the trekking. We saw sights, mountains, and trees, insects and spiders. Leeches, and rocks. And lots of old history. Show you some photos soon ok?

After that it was lunch at the same place, we ate ravenously because we were all hungry, then after which was the ride back to hostel. Wuhan University was 4 and a half hours away, with traffic jam included of course.
Alright, that’s about it for the weekend, now I’ve got to get ready for my upcoming test on Tuesday!
