
Day 12 - 5/Sep/08

drinking cola at the video gallery.

I miss them! Always saw this advert when I was in primary school!

Always Coca-Cola!

Steffi and I at Pizza hut.

On the ferry!

This morning we got up bright and early to go visit the coca cola factory. Took lotsa photos! They are all here and there with friends and such. Anyways, The factory was really interesting, it displayed memorabilia of the different promotions from years ago, such as the Polar bear Coca Cola advertisements.

Also, They showed us a video on how and when did Coca Cola made its first step into singapore. Which was in 1927. We even got to drink bottled Cola!! Free! Haha. The process of making the drinks and the area where they stocked the final product, was massive and huge. However photos were not allowed there. Oh wells.

After Coca Cola Factory, ECE and MDE went to Walking street for lunch and shopping. Gotten some good bargains for some t-shirts, and got mummy a watch! its handmade on the spot! so interesting ryte? Anyways, we had pizza hut for lunch, took a ferry across the river and transfered a cab back to Uni. So tired. Went to takeaway dinner from the back street. Tmr we are going on an excursion, water rafting and hiking. Pray that the weather will hold for us and not dampen our spirits.

Good nights!