
5th Week of Wuhan, 23rd - 28th September 2008

Tuesday - 23/Sep/08

Had BPE Test today, after IS lesson, everyone was sneaking last min references to their Text. This is to be the final test of these 6 weeks. Situation was really tense in class as everyone was writing with vigour.
Finally test ended, some of us went to the soup shop to have brunch, after which was nap time, followed by exercise! After playing a bit of badminton and captain’s ball, we went to have dinner at the muslim noodle shop.
Night was still early, so Julian, Teck Yi, Karen and I decided to go to 建社七路's pasar malam, to get some stuff. What a buy! However we didn’t bring our cameras, so there went any photos.

Wednesday – 24/Sep/08

Its freezing out today! A sign of winter is coming, although it is only Autumn. 18 degree centigrade of cold the whole day. I stayed indoors, and went to play a little bit of badminton in the evening. Time is flying really quickly. Did my IS presentation, and went to sleep early.

Thursday – 25/Sep/08

Today is the last day of IS lesson, we all took group photos of which I do not have a camera. Sigh. After which, Weiling, Yining, Clarissa, Karen and I went to shop for presentation clothes! I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a for the first time in my life…a turtleneck top! I will show photos of myself wearing it soon. Its snow white and at a reasonable price, I just love it! Didn’t do much after shopping except go back to hostel, hang out with the ECE guys and had Mr Phua’s duck porridge today! I just love homecooked food with a taste of Singapore. Bliss.

12 midnight.
Time to celebrate! Its Amos' 18th Birthday today, they guys bought a cake, and we took lots of photos. Had cake fight, and they ended up cleaning the room till 3 am in the morning! lols. Took lots of photos and got ckae in my face and hair. Had to wash it twice this night. haha!
I slept at 4am on this night, as I had to edit everyone’s work. I love presentations, as it gives me satisfaction to present as a group in front of the class.

Friday – 26/Sep/08

Day of IS presentation. The entire session lasted 5 hours including an hour’s break for lunch. Everyone had fun, cheered for some, and learnt much more about Wuhan, Hubei, China’s politics, history and etiquette.
After presentation, some went to Walmart, but I stayed in to rest because of the late night yesterday. Went out as a class to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant, courtesy from Mr Phua, we enjoyed a sumptuous feast of 10 courses, and ate our fill. It was really cold out, then we went to the shopping centre near Macdonald’s for some late shopping. There was a 7th anniversary sale, and the entire complex was packed with people pushing and squeezing. Karen and I made our way back earlier than the rest.
When I reached hostel, the ECE pals were back, Qizhi was drunk, and Weijian was knocked out. All of them went for class dinner as well. Must have been fun too! Slept at around 1 plus. Good night!

Saturday – 27/Sep/08

Today is the last day of tour, we went to Wuhan Botanical Gardens and East Lake to picnic and look at the scenery and sights. I loved the Botanical Garden, saw a Kiwi Fruit Garden bought a toy hammer, and played a lot! Haha!
At East Lake, we found a suitable spot to picnic, and played a lot of games, just the 9 of us. After which, we rushed back to the the meeting point to depart for campus!
Although I posted a short message, but I have pictures to make up for it!

Sunday – 28/Sep/08

On this day, I woke up late, so I didn’t go to Walking Street with the majority of the class. Had a late lunch with Weijian in his bunk, after which I decided to go with them to walking street. However, I changed my mind at the last mind because Elaine and the others were going to IT Mall, I had to fix my camera and purchase a hard disk. Regretted going because I had to put up with this other girl and her small actions. Took a cab back and reached campus’ back alley at 10pm. Saw Beng Chong and the brothers and my entire demeanour brightened up!
Went for a stroll around campus with Hanlin, Weijian, Teng Kiat, Beng Chong and myself. The weather was cold and lovely, it’s the closest I’ve ever experienced to winter. Which is quite cool, can’t wait to experience winter tropic in the future.