
Past 4 days.. (15-18 Sep 2008)

The past few days have been quite hectic and frustrating for me. Had to resolve some family matters from back home, as well as study for a test that was on Tuesday.
Anyways, life has been alright for me these past few days, some high, some low. On Monday we had lesson, after that was lunch and a day of studying had home and sleeping.

Tuesday had the ultimate test, after that we all went to have a lunch of fast food and rest. Got ready to go to the night market with Li Xuan, its like a pasar malam, didn’t have much time to look around because we had to rush back home after dinner. Anyways, we’ll going back again sometime.

After midnight was Steffi’s 19th birthday, celebrated by singing a birthday song and lots of laughter around. Wednesday morning was usual, got up to go for class, after which I went to takeaway my own lunch from the backstreet. Not feeling very well because of what’s happening back in Singapore. Decided to go out on my own to clear my mind. Headed for computer town, my first time! Haha. Took a 1 and a ½ hour bus trip there and back. The place is not bad, bigger than sim lim square but in a messier way. The stalls are all over the place, it seems as if the IT gadgets are looking directly at you. Roamed all the floors and saw people of all kinds. Young and old. Repaired my handphone, bought a laptop cable and two sets of earpieces. Really pleased with me retail therapy.

On the Bus trip there, the driver was really nice, he informed me of how long the trip will take from Uni to ComTown; and even told me when to stop, which was to take back and where from. Isn’t he sweet? You don’t get this much elsewhere in Wuhan. The people at some of the restaurants and shops are really unpleasant, They don’t have the patience to serve you, unlike in Singapore, we are promoting the campaign “Service with a smile”. Anyways, they are also rude and not sure of the products that they are selling. Sigh. However, not all of them are like that. Maybe a minority 1% is nice? I’m being too stereotypical, but its really frustrating to be served like that, ESPECIALLY when there is NO communication breakdown of languages.
I feel that their campaign of a country with better etiquette is sort of failing, but I can’t say the same for Beijing, because the comments throughout the Olympics were nothing but good.

After reaching uni, I went to the supermarket and shopping centre near our school, bought Steffi’s gift and some groceries. Turns out the reason they charge us for plastic bag was because China’s been having another green campaign, to recycle and save the earth, since June 2008. That’s really nice, especially when pollution in the country is quite bad based on news reports.
After I reach my dorm, I went out to buy dinner and joined the others in celebrating Steffi’s Birthday, sang songs, ate cake, laughed and joked. Had a really good time. This eased some of the mental stress of me.

Its Thursday morning already, and after lessons, we went out to the street behind Macdonal’s to have lunch, and some of us went to do our hair after that. I had mine treated and highlighted. Hope my family is reading this… Opps!
Alright, the trip to the hairdresser’s was almost 5 hours. I was really pissed because the service was inconsistent, the staff weren’t organised and there weren’t enough seats. In the end, I was having my hair highlighted in the centre of the dyeing corner. I felt quite out of place and an odd sight to bear, but the Chinese thinks that its normal. Hmmm.

Luckily, I had Karen for company, if not I think I would have told someone off sooner or later. Went back to Hostel, and went out for fast food. Just spent another 3 hours packing my bag for the weekend’s Three Gorges trip. Got to get up early tomorrow to set off. Alright. Good night!
