
Wuhan - Day One 25th August 2008

enjoying wine!

I bet you cant see this inside Singapore's Changi Airport!

In the Coach towards Hostel!

Changi Airport, MDE Group Shot before departure.

Changi Airport, MDE Group Shot before departure.

Arrival at Wuhan Airport, going to the coach.

Read the words at the bus stop, the chinese are improving.

Making my way to the airport this morning at 5.15am, I had a lot of mixed feelings about going on this trip because I couldn’t bear to leave my family. Anyways, after I saw my course mates and friends, I made up my mind to go on this trip happily and without any hard feelings.

Throughout the entire plane ride from Singapore to Guangzhou, I was really tired and took a nap, after which we had lunch on the plane. It was edible but that’s about it. Was sitting with Benjamin and Julian, had a glass of red wine each and talked nineteen to the dozen!

Finally reached Guangzhou Airport, had delays here and there, because Shuling lost her luggage, turns out my friend from Aerospace took it by mistake, their luggage’s are the same. Lucky it was someone from our school, can’t imagine the consequences, and when we had to transit, there was a 30 min wait due to the Chinese official not wanting to agree to let us mass check in at the same time, even though we were a big group. Witnessed a first quarrel in china, didn’t dare to take photos.
Ha-ha, the passengers and the officials had an argument of which the airport marshal had to come take down statements. It was humour to us Singaporeans but then again, we will soon come to find that its the norm in China.

Had to walk a really long distance to the transit terminal, took photos along the way. It was tiring because everyone had to lug their bags along and the sky train broke down. At the transit gate, we wait for about an hour before boarding, everyone was hungry, but yet energetic because we saw a lot of different people and the prices of the airport goods were exorbitant.

On the flight towards Wuhan, everyone was knocked out, as in fell asleep. Oh wells, it has been a long and tiring day for all of us. Arriving at Wuhan international airport, we quickly made our way to the coach. There was a Chinese teacher and 2 Chinese students who came to fetch us, along with Mr Wong. Made friends with our Chinese counterpart, Li Xuan, and when we finally reach our hostel, it was dark.
Settled into our rooms, and was disappointed with it, because it was beyond what we expected. However, we all decided to make the best of it.

It was past dinner time, at 8.30pm we set off for the nearest MacDonald’s, the Chinese thought it’ll be better for us to go there first instead of eating somewhere else because it was late already, and because we might not be used to their cuisine so soon after touchdown.
It was really interesting at Macs, because forty of us were donned in our SOE shirt and the civilians were openly staring at house. Lols. After that we went to buy some daily necessities, had to beg the supermarket people for an extra ten mins because they were closing already.

The situation was really tense as the staff were everywhere saying that they were closing, they want to go home already and all that. Oh wells.
Settled back at dorm, washed the toilet, washed our clothes.

Peace out.