

Hey all, left town from 7th to 15th for Bangkok and Phuket, Thailand. A gift from Mr Poh. Enjoyed ourselves, had fun, suntanned, saw ladyboys, kayaked and snorkeled.. Everything went well, shopped a lot and ate even more.
Haha.. Got back from a job just now, and am just slacking arnd. Those of you on my facebook can check out my photos of Thailand.. Im a little too lazy to upload them on blog and friendster cause they are on another laptop.
Rushing my overdue assignments.. and am procrastinating them at the same time. Think something's wrong with me. My motivation is lacking.
I watch kungfu panda yesterday and it was hilarious! Slept through Hulk and SATC in thailand, "the happening" was so-so, and Narnia was entertaining.. Got quite a list to follow up with next such as Black Book, Love Guru, Zohan, etc.
This week its about schoolwork, work and nothing more.. what a boring life. at least there's my new PSP to keep me entertained, but my mum borrowed it. hmmz..
O...k.. anyways, Im gonna turn in soon, so toodles everyone!
-peace out


..My Twenty-First..

Lets talk about yesterday.. :P Went to school so damn early at 8am to meet my lecturer to go over some questions and finally had my 2nd last paper at 1.30pm. After which I went to Plaza Sing to meet Keong. Had carl's junior and took lotsa photos! haha.

Then we went shopping, gosh, I almost bought a new wallet.. but I'm still keeping my options open. Hmmz, wonder what to get. Got 2 new tops for a bargain and went to meet up with Dajie and Erjie at NYDC for dinner and a movie. "Made for Honour" was really funny, with bits of sweetness injected here and there. Whilst waiting for the cinema to open we took so many photos like a bunch of teens! lols.

After the show we headed home, really tired. Today, Im just gonna go over to my dad's for dinner as well as stop by Dajie's place to pick up keong's stuff. Got to start studying now!

peace out